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Título: The Ibero-American network of tourism research : a methodology of analysis of collaboration through co-authorships
Autores/as: David Negre,Tatiana 
Hernández Guerra, Juan María 
Picazo Peral, Patricia 
Moreno Gil, Sergio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Hospitality
Journals, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2025
Publicación seriada: Tourism 
Resumen: Research collaboration in tourism is critical to generating innovative knowledge and economic development. The present study aims to analyze the collaboration patterns through co-authorships in the scientific publications of Ibero-American authors in a crucial decade, representing the first generation of authors with international diffusion in Ibero-American tourism research. A Social Network Analysis was applied, distinguishing between publications in Ibero-American and English-speaking international tourism journals. The results identify different types of most outstanding authors, universities and countries and their implications. Finally, the study explains how this collaboration takes place and fosters future research collaboration in tourism in this region.
ISSN: 1332-7461
DOI: 10.37741/t.73.1.4
Fuente: Tourism[ISSN 1332-7461],v. 73 (1), p. 55-68, (2025)
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