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Título: Preparation of technical posters as a tool to improve transversal competences of civil engineering studies
Autores/as: Senent Aparicio, J
Jimeno Sáez, P.
Arias, M.
O'Driscoll, L.
Pérez Sánchez, Julio 
León, L.
Alcalá, F.J.
Pulido Velázquez, D.
Clasificación UNESCO: 330506 Ingeniería civil
5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
Palabras clave: Civil engineering students
Transversal competence
Scientific poster
Communication skills
Research initiation
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Engineering Education 
Resumen: Adaptation to the European Higher Education Area implies a change of educational paradigm. In addition to the incorporation of academically directed activities and new tools for transmitting information, the change of approach also means new training explicitly oriented to develop the new professional competences. This paper presents the results from a funded teaching project aimed at exploring the use of the scientific poster as a tool to improve transversal competences in Civil Engineering students. To cope with this objective, a total of 68 civil engineering students from two different universities in Spain and Ireland were chosen. The poster design allows students to do in-depth research on a specific topic and to engage its research inquiry. The student’s perception of this project was evaluated by means of two questionnaires surveyed prior and after the poster presentation. The research findings suggest that the scientific posters elaboration enables the development of different transversal competences of the students such as comprehension and integration, teamwork and leadership reinforcement, and effective communication. About 94% of respondents felt that this activity was valuable in improving their communication skills
ISSN: 0949-149X
Fuente: International Journal of Engineering Education [ISSN 0949-149X] v. 35 (6 A), p. 1872-1880
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