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Título: Findings From Oral Communicative Competence During Simulation Among Nursing Students
Autores/as: Hernández Rodríguez, José Enrique 
Cilleros Pino, Lucía 
Díaz Hernández, Maximino 
Hernández Flores, Carmen Nieves 
Medina Castellano, Carmen Delia 
Montesdeoca Ramírez, Daniela Celia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3201 Ciencias clínicas
Palabras clave: Clinical safety
Communicative competence
Information structuring
TeamStepps® methodology
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Teaching and Learning in Nursing 
Resumen: Background: Acquiring oral communication skills is essential in the academic training of nursing students. This will undoubtedly influence students' safety in caring for people. Objectives: A diagnosis of the communicative competence of students enrolled in the course Nursing Care in Adults II (laboratory practice) was proposed. Method: A preliminary descriptive observational study has been carried out regarding oral communicative competence in clinical practice, based on the structure Situation, Background, Assessment, Exploration, and Recommendation (SAVER/SBAR) of the TeamStepps® methodology, to which other indicators considered necessary for oral communication. Results: Cronbach's alpha (0.743) tested the scale's reliability. The set of 6 criteria analyzed shows that the group generally shows a limited ability and inability to communicate and transmit information, ranging from primary (33.35%) to adequate (41.6%). A significant relationship is detected between this criterion and the Organization of structured data according to the SAVER/SBAR method (p=.005) Conclusions: This analysis highlights the need to train communication skills in critical situations where data collection and transmission accuracy are crucial.
ISSN: 1557-3087
DOI: 10.1016/j.teln.2024.12.008
Fuente: Teaching and Learning in Nursing [ISSN 1557-3087], December 2024
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