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Título: Regulated Power Supply with High Power Factor for Hyperspectral Imaging Applications
Autores/as: Cabrera Peña, José María 
León Martín,Sonia Raquel 
Ortega Sarmiento,Samuel 
Fabelo Gómez, Himar Antonio 
Quevedo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Gregorio 
Marrero Callicó, Gustavo Iván 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Hyperspectral imaging
Regulated power supply
Power factor
Illumination system
Fecha de publicación: 2025
Proyectos: Talent Imágenes Hiperespectrales Para Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial 
Oasis Open Ai-Driven Stack Para Plataformas Hpec Mejoradas en Sistemas Integrados 
Publicación seriada: Applied Sciences 
Resumen: Illumination is a crucial factor in hyperspectral imaging systems. In this respect, this work is focused on analyzing the influence of the light power source in acquiring hyperspectral images. To this end, a custom regulated power supply was designed and developed. This power supply was then integrated into a hyperspectral acquisition system, and several light stability measurements were conducted. Finally, several parameters related to the stability of the light produced by those systems were extracted using image analysis techniques, and a statistical comparison among the different power supplies was performed. Two commercial power supplies were also analyzed under the same experimental conditions and compared with the proposed power supply. The hyperspectral measurements were conducted using light transmission and reflectance. The results indicate that the proposed power supply performs better than or at least as well as commercial power supplies in terms of light stability. Additionally, this study shows the impact of power supply design on the stability and quality of hyperspectral illumination, especially concerning the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) across different spectral bands. It is shown that optimizing the design of the power supply could improve light stability in hyperspectral imaging applications.
ISSN: 2076-3417
DOI: 10.3390/app15031093
Fuente: Applied Sciences [ISSN 2076-3417], v. 15 (3), p. 1-21
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