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Título: Bridging attitudes and evidence: climate change perspectives in Italy
Autores/as: Indelicato, Alessandro 
Rocco, Rossella Maria Pia Di
Martín Hernández, Juan Carlos 
Marinello, Vincenzo
Clasificación UNESCO: 2502 Climatología
Palabras clave: Climate change
Natural disasters
Fecha de publicación: 2025
Publicación seriada: Challenges (Basel) 
Resumen: The most visible and well-known consequence of natural and environmental disasters is displacement. The paper analyzes environmentally induced displacement and attitudes towards climate change in Italy between 2013 and 2023. For this purpose, the Gradient Boosting Model (GBM) is used to analyze environmental displacement, while the Fuzzy-Hybrid TOPSIS is implemented to study climate change concerns. The results show that weather-related disasters are the most important casual climate effect on displacement. Furthermore, the issue of climate change is far from uniform and varies significantly across socio-economic factors such as age, education, religion, and income.
ISSN: 2078-1547
DOI: 10.3390/challe16010002
Fuente: Challenges 2025, 16, 2.
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