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Título: A Comparative Study of the Fatty Acids and Monosaccharides of Wild and Cultivated Ulva sp.
Autores/as: García Poza, Sara 
Morais, Tiago
Leandro, Adriana
Cotas, João
Marques, João Carlos
Pereira, Leonel
Gonçalves, Ana M. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 251092 Acuicultura marina
241717 Nutrición vegetal
Palabras clave: Seaweed cultivation
Ulva sp.
Fatty acids
Food safety
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: MENU—Marine Macroalgae: Alternative recipes for a daily nutritional diet (FA_05_2017_011)
UIDB/04292/2020—MARE—Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020 (by FCT/MTCES)
Publicación seriada: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 
Resumen: There is a need to find new possible raw food sources with interesting nutritional values. One of the most unexploited sources are seaweeds. Thus, Ulva sp. is a green edible seaweed that shows a high growth rate in nature and can support drastic abiotic changes, such as temperature and salinity. This work aims to determine the main nutritional compounds, fatty acids (FAs) and monosaccharides profiles of Ulva sp. (collected from Mondego estuary, Portugal), to identify the potential of this seaweed as a food source. The present study also highlights the potential of controlled and semi-controlled cultivation systems in Ulva sp. profiles. The results showed that the controlled cultivation systems had higher essential FA and monosaccharide content than the semi-controlled cultivation systems. However, they are in some cases identical to wild individuals of Ulva sp., supporting that cultivation of Ulva sp. can be a key for food safety. It is crucial to control the associated risks of contamination that can occur in wild specimens.
ISSN: 2077-1312
DOI: 10.3390/jmse10020233
Fuente: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, [ISSN 2077-1312], v. 10, n. 2, 233, (Febrero 2022)
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