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Title: High PEEP with recruitment maneuvers versus Low PEEP During General Anesthesia for Surgery -a Bayesian individual patient data meta-analysis of three randomized clinical trials
Authors: Mazzinari, Guido
Zampieri, Fernando G.
Ball, Lorenzo
Campos, Niklas S.
Bluth, Thomas
Hemmes, Sabrine N.T.
Ferrando, Carlos
Librero, Julian
Soro, Marina
Pelosi, Paolo
de Abreu, Marcelo Gama
Schultz, Marcus J.
Neto, Ary Serpa
Neto, Ary Serpa
Librero, Julian
Pozo, Natividad
Ball, Lorenzo
Neto, Ary Serpa
Severgnini, Paolo
Hollmann, Markus W.
Binnekade, Jan M.
Wrigge, Hermann
Canet, Jaume
Hiesmayr, Michael
Schmid, Werner
Tschernko, Edda
Jaber, Samir
Hedenstierna, Göran
Putensen, Christian
Marti, Agnes
Bacuzzi, Alessandro
Brodhun, Alexander
Molin, Alexandre
Merten, Alfred
Parera, Ana
Brunelli, Andrea
Cortegiani, Andrea
Güldner, Andreas
Reske, Andreas W.
Gratarola, Angelo
Giarratano, Antonino
Bastin, Bea
Heyse, Bjorn
Mazul-Sunko, Branka
Amantea, Bruno
Barberis, Bruno
Uhlig, Christopher
Marín, Conrado Minguez
Celentano, Cristian
La Bella, Daniela
D'Antini, David
Velghe, David
Sulemanji, Demet
De Robertis, Edoardo
Hartmann, Eric
Montalto, Francesca
Tropea, Francesco
Mills, Gary H.
Cinnella, Gilda
Della Rocca, Giorgio
Caggianelli, Girolamo
Pellerano, Giulia
Mollica, Giuseppina
Bugedo, Guillermo
Mulier, Jan Paul
Vandenbrande, Jeroen
Geib, Johann
Yaqub, Jonathan
Florez, Jorge
Mayoral, Juan F.
Sprung, Juraj
Van Limmen, Jurgen
Bos, Lieuwe D.J.
de Baerdemaeker, Luc
Jamaer, Luc
Spagnolo, Luigi
Strys, Lydia
Gil, Manuel Granell
Vidal Melo, Marcos F.
Unzueta, Maria Carmen
Moral, Maria Victoria
Rodríguez Pérez, Aurelio Eduardo* 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
3201 Ciencias clínicas
321303 Anestesiología
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Anesthesiology (Philadelphia) 
Abstract: Background: The influence of high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with recruitment maneuvers on the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications after surgery is still not definitively established. Bayesian analysis can help to gain further insights from the available data and provide a probabilistic framework that is easier to interpret. Our objective was to estimate the posterior probability that the use of high PEEP with recruitment maneuvers is associated with reduced postoperative pulmonary complications in patients with intermediate-to-high risk under neutral, pessimistic, and optimistic expectations regarding the treatment effect. Methods: Multilevel Bayesian logistic regression analysis on individual patient data from three randomized clinical trials carried out on surgical patients at Intermediate-to-High Risk for postoperative pulmonary complications. The main outcome was the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications in the early postoperative period. We studied the effect of high PEEP with recruitment maneuvers versus Low PEEP Ventilation. Priors were chosen to reflect neutral, pessimistic, and optimistic expectations of the treatment effect. Results: Using a neutral, pessimistic, or optimistic prior, the posterior mean odds ratio (OR) for High PEEP with recruitment maneuvers compared to Low PEEP was 0.85 (95% Credible Interval [CrI] 0.71 to 1.02), 0.87 (0.72 to 1.04), and 0.86 (0.71 to 1.02), respectively. Regardless of prior beliefs, the posterior probability of experiencing a beneficial effect exceeded 90%. Subgroup analysis indicated a more pronounced effect in patients who underwent laparoscopy (OR: 0.67 [0.50 to 0.87]) and those at high risk for PPCs (OR: 0.80 [0.53 to 1.13]). Sensitivity analysis, considering severe postoperative pulmonary complications only or applying a different heterogeneity prior, yielded consistent results. Conclusion: High PEEP with recruitment maneuvers demonstrated a moderate reduction in the probability of PPC occurrence, with a high posterior probability of benefit observed consistently across various prior beliefs, particularly among patients who underwent laparoscopy.
ISSN: 0003-3022
DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000005170
Source: Anesthesiology [ISSN 0003-3022], v. 142(1), pp. 72-97 (enero 2025)
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