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Title: Toxicity of tire rubber-derived pollutants 6PPD-quinone and 4-tert-octyl-phenol on marine plankton
Authors: Calle, Lisseth
Le Du-Carrée, Jessy Medhy Manu 
Martínez, Ico 
Montero, Daniel 
Gomez, May 
Almeda, Rodrigo 
UNESCO Clasification: 251001 Oceanografía biológica
251002 Oceanografía química
Keywords: 6PPD-quinone
Tire rubber particles
Toxicity, et al
Issue Date: 2025
Project: Impacto de Los Aditivos Lixiviados de Los Microplásticos en El Plancton 
Journal: Journal of Hazardous Materials 
Abstract: The impacts of tire wear particles and their associated chemicals on the aquatic systems are a major environmental concern. In this study, we investigated the acute toxicity of two pollutants derived from tire rubber, 6PPD-quinone and 4-tert-octylphenol, on marine plankton. Specifically, we determined the acute effects of these pollutants on various organisms within the plankton food web: the microalgae Rhodomonas salina, the adult copepod Acartia tonsa, and the early life stages of the echinoderms Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus and the fish Sparus aurata. Exposure to 6PPD-quinone did not affect the microalgae growth, copepod survival, or fish embryo viability after 48 h of exposure at concentrations up to 1000 µgL-1. However, 6PPD-quinone significantly inhibited the growth of early developmental stages of both echinoderm species, with median effective concentrations of 7 and 8 µgL-1. Conversely, 4-tert-octylphenol was toxic to all studied organisms, with median lethal and effective concentrations ranging from 21 to 79 µgL-1 depending on the species and endpoints. The most sensitive planktonic organisms to 4-tert-octylphenol were echinoderm embryos and copepods, which exhibited negative effects at concentrations as low as 1 and 25 µgL-1, respectively. Our results demonstrate that acute exposure to 6PPD-quinone and 4-tert-octylphenol can cause harmful effects on key planktonic organisms at environmentally relevant concentrations. Overall, our findings highlight the need for develop ecologically safer tire rubber additives and reduce traffic-related tire particle emissions to mitigate their entry and potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
ISSN: 0304-3894
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136694
Source: Journal of Hazardous Materials [ISSN 0304-3894], v. 484, 136694, (Febrero 2025)
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