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Title: Impact of SWMM Fouling and Position on the Performance of SWRO Systems in Operating Conditions of Minimum SEC
Authors: Ruiz García, Alejandro 
Al-Obaidi, Mudhar A.
De La Nuez Pestana, Ignacio Agustín 
Mujtaba, Iqbal M.
Keywords: Desalination
Energy consumption
Reverse osmosis, et al
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Membranes 
Abstract: Due to water stress in the world in general desalination technologies are becoming increasingly important. Among the available technologies, reverse osmosis (RO) is the most widespread due to its reliability and efficiency compared to other technologies. The main weakness of RO is the loss of performance due to membrane fouling, which usually affects the water permeability coefficient (A), causing it to decrease. In RO desalination plants, fouling does not affect all spiral wound membrane modules (SWMMs) in the pressure vessels (PVs) in the same way. This will depend on the type of fouling and the position of the SWMM inside the PV. In this study, the impact of A and the position of the SWMM on the performance of the RO system is analyzed. For this purpose, decrements of up to 50% have been assumed for the seven SWMMs in series considering nine commercial SWMM models. The operating point analyzed is that which minimizes the specific energy consumption (SEC), a point obtained in a previous work carried out by the authors. The results show how the impact of A on the SWMM in the first position is more significant than the impact on modules that are in another position for the nine SWRO models studied. A drop of 50% in the coefficient A of the first element produces a permeate loss in the pressure pipe between 0.67 and 1.35 m (Formula presented.) d (Formula presented.). Furthermore, it was observed that the models with the lowest coefficient A exhibited the highest performance losses in terms of permeate production when A was decreased.
ISSN: 2077-0375
DOI: 10.3390/membranes13070676
Source: Membranes [ISSN 2077-0375], v. 13, n. 7, 676, (Julio 2023)
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