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Título: Study and Evolution of the Dune Field of La Banya Spit in Ebro Delta (Spain) Using LiDAR Data and GPR
Autores/as: Rodríguez-Santalla, Inmaculada
Gomez-Ortiz, David
Martín-Crespo, Tomás
Sánchez García, María José 
Montoya Montes, Isabel 
Martín-Velázquez, Silvia
Barrio, Fernando
Serra, Jordi
Ramírez-Cuesta, Juan Miguel
Gracia, Francisco Javier
Palabras clave: Beach ridge
Coastal dune
Ebro Delta
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR), La Banya spit, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Remote Sensing 
Resumen: La Banya spit, located at the south of the River Ebro Delta, is a sandy formation, developed by annexation of bars forming successive beach ridges, which are oriented and modeled by the eastern and southern waves. The initial ridges run parallel to the coastline, and above them small dunes developed, the crests of which are oriented by dominant winds, forming foredune ridges and barchans. This study attempted to test a number of techniques in order to understand the dune dynamic on this coastal spit between 2004 and 2012: LiDAR data were used to reconstruct changes to the surface and volume of the barchan dunes and foredunes; ground-penetrating radar was applied to obtain an image of their internal structure, which would help to understand their recent evolution. GPS data taken on the field, together with application of GIS techniques, made possible the combination of results and their comparison. The results showed a different trend between the barchan dunes and the foredunes. While the barchan dunes increased in area and volume between 2004 and 2012, the foredunes lost thickness. This was also reflected in the radargrams: the barchan dunes showed reflectors related to the growth of the foresets while those associated with foredunes presented truncations associated with storm events. However, the global balance of dune occupation for the period 2004–2012 was positive.
ISSN: 2072-4292
DOI: 10.3390/rs13040802
Fuente: Remote Sensing [ISSN 2072-4292], v. 13, 802, (Febrero 2021)
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