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Título: Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Enterococci Isolated from Nestlings of Wild Birds Feeding in Supplementary Feeding Stations: The Case of the Canarian Egyptian Vulture
Autores/as: González Martín, Margarita Rosa 
Suárez Pérez, Alejandro 
Álamo Peña, Alejandro
Valverde Tercedor, Carmen
Corbera Sánchez, Juan Alberto 
Tejedor Junco, María Teresa 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310905 Microbiología
240120 Ornitología
310904 Medicina interna
Palabras clave: antimicrobial resistance
Canarian Egyptian vulture
multidrug resistance
One Health, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Pathogens 
Resumen: : Antimicrobial resistance is a growing concern worldwide, requiring a holistic “One Health” strategy to address the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. This study focused on Enterococci isolated from Canary Island Egyptian vulture chicks, an endangered species that feeds at supplementary feeding stations in the Canary Islands. Sampling and identification revealed the presence of several Enterococcus species, with a predominance of E. faecalis. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed resistance patterns, especially to important antibiotics such as quinolones, vancomycin, and linezolid. The prevalence of multidrug-resistant profiles was lower than that in other wild bird species. This study underscores the need for further research to understand the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in wildlife and its implications for public health and conservation efforts, emphasizing the importance of a “One Health” approach to address this pressing problem.
ISSN: 2076-0817
DOI: 10.3390/pathogens13100855
Fuente: Pathogens[ISSN2076-0817], v.13(10)(Octubre 2024)
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