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Título: Seismic response of jacket-supported offshore wind turbines for different operational modes considering earthquake directionality
Autores/as: Romero Sánchez, Carlos 
Padrón Hernández, Luis Alberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3304 Tecnología de los ordenadores
3305 Tecnología de la construcción
330506 Ingeniería civil
Palabras clave: Ground Motion Directionality
Offshore Wind Turbines
Operational Modes, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Diseño de Estructuras Soporte de Aerogeneradores Marinos Mediante Redes Neuronales Incluyendo Modelos Avanzados de Interacción Dinámica Suelo-Estructuray Excitación Sísmica 
Publicación seriada: Ocean Engineering 
Resumen: This study aims to analyse how jacket-supported OWTs functioning in three different operational modes (power production, emergency shutdown and parked mode) respond to seismic actions when subject to different incoming wind directions and ground motion shaking directions. To do so, the seismic response of the NREL 5MW OWT founded on the OC4 jacket substructure is simulated using an OpenFAST model that includes multi-support seismic input, soil–structure interaction and kinematic interaction. The impact of the working conditions and of the directionality of the loads on the jacket substructure is analysed and discussed. The tower top accelerations and displacements are examined for different sets of cases, and the seismic response of the jacket is studied in terms of internal forces and von Mises stresses along the different levels of the substructure. The results show, and quantify, the relevance of considering the different operational modes for a correct design of the substructure and of the foundation. The maximum structural stresses within the jacket substructure appear almost always in power production, with the exception of the top part of the legs, where higher stresses arise during emergency shutdown in several cases.
ISSN: 0029-8018
DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.118798
Fuente: Ocean Engineering [ISSN 0029-8018], v. 311 (Part 1), (Noviembre 2024)
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