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Title: Prorocentrum canariense sp. nov., a case of pseudo-cryptic speciation in the cosmopolitan dinoflagellate P. compressum (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae)
Authors: Gómez, Fernando
Martel Quintana,Antera De Jesús 
Rodríguez Coello,Eduvigis 
Raymond, Eugenio
Gallardo Salas, Rafael 
McClimon, Jillian F.
Gómez Pinchetti, Juan Luis 
UNESCO Clasification: 251001 Oceanografía biológica
241707 Algología (ficología)
Keywords: Canary Islands
Molecular phylogenetics
Pyxidicula compressa
Tryblionella compressa
Issue Date: 2024
Project: Interreg MAC Program 2021– 2027: 1/MAC/1/1.1/0088 - CALYPSO
Journal: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 
Abstract: The planktonic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum compressum is widespread in warm and temperate seas. A strain identified as P. cf. compressum BEA 0681B isolated from the island of Gran Canaria, NE Atlantic Ocean, showed a divergence in rDNA/ITS phylogenies with respect to P. compressum. The Canarian strain was oval, with an average length-to-width ratio of 1.35, smooth thecal surface with less than 150 thecal pores, including oblique pores, sometimes with a bifurcated opening. In contrast, P. compressum was rounder, with a length-to-width ratio < 1.2, with reticulate-foveate ornamentation and 200–300 pores per valve. We propose Prorocentrum canariense sp. nov. These species clustered as the most early-branching lineage in the clade Prorocentrum sensu stricto. Although this clade mainly contains planktonic species, the closer relatives were the benthic species P. tsawwassenense and P. elegans. Interestingly, P. compressum and P. canariense sp. nov. are widely distributed in temperate and warm seas without an apparent morphological adaptation to planktonic life. The formation of two concentric hyaline mucilaginous walls could contribute to this success. We discuss the use of Prorocentrum bidens to solve the nomenclature issue of P. compressum that was described citing a diatom as basionym.
ISSN: 1066-5234
DOI: 10.1111/jeu.13039
Source: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology [ISSN 1066-5234], v. 71, n. 4
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