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Título: Analysis Of Intercultural Competence In A Post-Pandemic Telecollaborative Context: A Proposal For University Internationalisation
Otros títulos: Análisis de la competencia intercultural en un contexto telecolaborativo pospandémico: una propuesta de internacionalización universitaria
Autores/as: Alfonzo De Tovar, Isabel Cristina 
Clouet, Richard 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
Palabras clave: Didactics In A Post-Pandemic Context
Intercultural Communicative Competence
Spanish As A Foreign Language
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Revista de Linguistica y Lenguas Aplicadas 
Resumen: This article examines the impact of teaching Spanish as a foreign language in a post-pandemic context. It does so by analysing a telecollaborative programme with a particular focus on an intercultural approach. The aim is to contrast the development of Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) in the two modalities, face-to-face and online, in order to identify the scope and fulfilment of the programme’s objectives in the online version. To achieve this aim, a comparative study was carried out using Fantini and Tirmizi (2006)’s scale of intercultural dimensions. The results confirm the positive impact, but also reveal the difficulties and perceptions expressed by learners in a virtual modality, as well as the importance and need for methodological and didactic adaptation. In conclusion, this research provides an analysis that encourages reflection on the intercultural teaching of foreign languages in online mode, paying heightened attention to the promotion of intercultural mediation.
ISSN: 1886-2438
DOI: 10.4995/rlyla.2024.20528
Fuente: Revista de Linguistica y Lenguas Aplicadas [ISSN 1886-2438], v. 19, p. 1-15
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