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Título: Satisfaction and sustainability concerns in whale-watching tourism: A user-generated content model
Autores/as: León González, Carmelo Javier 
Suárez Rojas,Chaitanya 
Cazorla Artiles, José Manuel 
González Hernández, Matías Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Word-Of-Mouth
Wildlife Tourism
Conservation Intentions
Sentiment Analysis
Social Media, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Tourism Management 
Resumen: This study examines the satisfaction and sustainability concerns of whale-watching tourists by analysing usergenerated content (UGC) on social media. A satisfaction model was developed and estimated utilising an ordered probit analysis with UGC data from TripAdvisor over the last 13 years that includes a specific whalewatching lexicon. The model addresses most of the physical, human, environmental, experiential, and operational aspects of the activity, including consumers' feelings and sustainability concerns. The significance of the variables in the model was proven with the available empirical data. The findings provide a comprehensive description of the underpinnings of whale watchers' preferences and concerns. The evidence reveals compelling social trends towards higher sustainability concerns influencing satisfaction, providing valuable information for the industry and its decision-makers for understanding preferences for sustainability in whale-watching tourism.
ISSN: 0261-5177
DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.105019
Fuente: Tourism Management[ISSN 0261-5177],v. 106, (Febrero 2025)
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