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Título: Are the media drivers of R&D?
Autores/as: Peña Martel, Dévora Esther 
Díaz Díaz, Nieves Lidia 
Pérez Alemán, Jerónimo 
Santana Martín, Domingo Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 530601 Economía, investigación y desarrollo experimental
Palabras clave: Dominant Owners
Media Attention
R&D Investment
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Technology in Society 
Resumen: Research exploring how extra-legal institutional aspects might impact corporate investment policy in innovation is still in its early stages. This lack of research is even greater when it comes to studying the role of media attention in corporate innovation. This study extends prior literature by investigating the relationship between media visibility and research and development (R&D) investment in a continental European context. Using a sample of Spanish listed firms in the 2008–2022 period, results indicate that media attention has a positive effect on corporate innovation. The results provide support for arguments that the media reduce agency conflicts, facilitate fundraising, and increase the reputational risk of internal agents as well as the pressure to meet stakeholder demands and the chances of obtaining external help to develop new ideas and projects. Moreover, we show that media attention encourages innovation in companies who are more isolated from stakeholder demands, who face greater agency conflicts, or who suffer from financial difficulties.
ISSN: 0160-791X
DOI: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2024.102665
Fuente: Technology in Society[ISSN 0160-791X],v. 78, (Septiembre 2024)
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