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Title: Proposal of an optimization tool for demand response in island electricity systems (IES) using the Simplex method and Generalized reduced gradient (GRG)
Authors: Lozano Medina, Juan Carlos 
Henríquez Concepción, Vicente 
Mendieta Pino, Carlos Alberto 
León Zerpa, Federico Antonio 
UNESCO Clasification: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
3307 Tecnología electrónica
Keywords: Simplex method
Generalized reduced gradient algorithm
Optimization model
Energy policy
Renewable energy, et al
Issue Date: 2024
Project: Mitigación del cambio climático a través de la innovación en el ciclo del agua mediante tecnologías bajas en carbono 
Journal: Journal of King Saud University - Science 
Abstract: Island electricity generation systems (IES) pose challenges in the integration of renewable energies that are compatible with security of supply. This work proposes a methodology and a proposed decision tool that allows the optimization of the production of different generation systems, both renewable and non-renewable, setting a series of objectives such as the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), production costs and at the same time fulfilling the best coverage in dynamic response, security, scalability, and integration. This tool is based on operational research, mathematical optimization methods, specifically the simplex algorithm and the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) and proposes different combinations to achieve an energy production that meets the demand, minimizing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
ISSN: 1018-3647
Source: Journal of King Saud University - Science [1018-3647], v. 36 (9) , October 2024, 103345
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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