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Título: Use-Wear Analysis of Obsidian and Other Volcanic Rocks: An Experimental Approach to Working Plant Resources
Autores/as: Brito Abrante, Idaira De Jesús 
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Amelia Del Carmen 
Clasificación UNESCO: 550501 Arqueología
Palabras clave: Use-wear analysis
Volcanic rocks
Experimental programme
Plant resources
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 
Resumen: This experimental study aims to contribute to functional analysis research on tools which specifically served to work wood and non-woody plants. They were made of obsidian and other volcanic rocks (basalt, trachyte, and phonolite) characterised by an amorphous matrix and phenocrysts of different number and size. In spite of prior functional analysis research resorting to these raw materials, there remain gaps in our understanding of specific activities. The work thus focused on working dif- ferent types of wood from the Canary Island as well as on harvesting cereals. It is likewise centred on craftwork, especially regarding certain rarely studied contact materials such as palm leaves and rushes. The results reveal use-wear differences stemming from working woody and non-woody plants with both obsidian and other volcanic rocks. A special attention was given to the identification and description of the different features depending on the raw materials and the characteristics of their knapped surfaces. Identifying the combination of attributes has been essential to attain more accurate diagnostics. There are limits to each of the types of raw materi- als. The surfaces of obsidian are easier to observe and allow more specific identifi- cations. In turn, the heterogeneous surfaces of volcanic rocks with phenocrysts that require more to time to develop diagnostic traces render use-wear amongst these types of rocks more difficult to observe. It is possible to distinguish longitudinal and transversal actions between woody and non-woody plants on every rock. Actions related to basketry, such us splitting and scraping, are more complicated to identify. The state of the worked plant (dry or fresh) and the time of use are key factors to consider in each case
ISSN: 1072-5369
DOI: 10.1007/s10816-024-09659-4
Fuente: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [ISSN 1072-5369], v. 31 (2)
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