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Title: Modal verbs and interpersonal meaning in 19th-century female instructive writing
Authors: Álvarez Gil, Francisco José 
Soto Déniz, Isabel 
UNESCO Clasification: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
Keywords: 19Th Century
Corpus Linguistics
Modal Verbs
Women'S Writing
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing Group 
Journal: Building Knowledge: Visions From Education And The Humanities
Abstract: Our presentation focuses on exploring 19th-century recipes authored by women within the context of traditional gender roles. It particularly examines the role of modal verbs in reinforcing interpersonal dynamics during a transformative period marked by industrialization and shifting gender roles in the 19th century. The research aims to delve into linguistic choices within the domestic sphere, considering the social upheaval and changing gender roles in England during that time. The study views 19th-century recipes not only as practical guides but also as windows into the socio-cultural fabric of the era. The research unfolds through historical background, linguistic analysis of modal verbs, and a corpus linguistics methodology using the Corpus of Women's Instructive Texts in English (COWITE). The analysis emphasizes the linguistic functions and broader implications of modal verbs, providing insights into societal and cultural contexts. Through the use of automated tools and manual inspection, the study explores the prevalence and functions of modal verbs in recipes, highlighting the agency of women within the domestic sphere. The ultimate conclusion of the study is that these 19th-century recipes, beyond their practical purposes, serve as testimony to women's enduring roles amid evolving social currents, providing a unique perspective into the intersection of language, gender roles, and cultural dynamics during this transformative period.
ISBN: 9783631919552
Source: Building Knowledge: Visions from Education and the Humanities [ISBN 9783631919552 ], 2024, p. 31-48,
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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