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Título: | Formación integral de traductores e intérpretes en contextos de migración: Iniciativas de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la ULPGC | Autores/as: | Cranfield Mckay, Susan Isobel García Morales, María Goretti |
Clasificación UNESCO: | 570112 Traducción 520403 Migraciones |
Palabras clave: | Interpretación humanitaria Aprendizaje-servicio Migración irregular Intérpretes ad-hoc |
Fecha de publicación: | 2024 | Editor/a: | Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) | Conferencia: | 1st CONGRESS BRIDGE to AFRICA | Resumen: | The Canary Islands have traditionally been known for their beauti ful beaches and tourist resorts. However, in recent years, African migrant reception in this territory has become a human rights is sue which requires attention from all those involved in providing infrastructure, medical assistance, integration opportunities, etc. The cornerstone of any of these actions is communication, which also presents a challenge in this context. Migration has added a new dimension to the need for interpreting services. They are still required in the business and tourist sectors, but assisting migrants on shore, in the camps and centres where they are ac commodated, in interviews with border agents and health profes sionals, to name some of the settings in which they are involved as soon as they arrive in Spanish territory, is a new context where both language and cultural barriers are present. In this article we explore the role that the University, and in par ticular the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, can play in a multicultural society, where citizens live alongside migrants from African nations, who have usually gone through very diffi cult sit uations in their countries of origin and have risked their lives to reach Europe. Raising awareness of this new reality among our students and society at large should be among our priorities as educators. In addition, the introduction of specifi c humanitarian interpreting content in university classrooms and ad hoc inter preter education initiatives are particularly relevant, since mi grants themselves, speakers of minority languages in Spain, are often called upon to facilitate communication in this context of crisis. | URI: | | ISBN: | 9788490425275 | Fuente: | 1st Congress Bridge to Africa [ISBN 9788490425275], p. 232-250 | URL: | |
Colección: | Actas de congresos |
actualizado el 14-dic-2024
actualizado el 14-dic-2024
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