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Título: Canary Islands as a strategic crossroad for a “one health” approach to combat vector-borne animal trypanosomosis
Autores/as: Tejedor-Junco, María Teresa  
Melián Henríquez, Adrián 
González-Martín, Margarita 
Martín Martel, Sergio 
Morales Doreste, Manuel Francisco 
Boulangé, Alain
Corbera Sánchez, Juan Alberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3109 Ciencias veterinarias
310907 Patología
Palabras clave: Trypanosomosis
One Health
Sustainable Development Goals
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editor/a: Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) 
Conferencia: 1st CONGRESS BRIDGE to AFRICA 
Resumen: Animal Trypanosomoses (AT) are the main animal health con straint to the development of sustainable agriculture and food se curity in Africa. These diseases are caused by diff erent Trypano soma species, transmitted by insect vectors. They can aff ect domestic livestock and camels, and some wild animals can act as a reservoir. Infected animals can be a source of parasites for humans. We have launched the COMBAT Project (Controlling and progressively minimizing the burden of Animal Trypanosomosis), coordinated by CIRAD and involving scientists and veterinary of fi cials from 13 African countries, 3 European countries and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). COMBAT is based on a “One Health” approach: considering the connection between human health, animal health and environ mental conservation. Our group at ULPGC participate in most of the work packages of the Project, with the exception of the one related with socio-economic burden of AT. In addition to increas ing the scientifi c knowledge about the parasite, its vectors and the disease, we hope to contribute to the achievement of the Sus tainable Development Goals, in particular the elimination of pov erty (SDG1), the ending of hunger (SDG2) and the promotion of good health and well-being (SDG3). Due to our proximity to the African continent and our experience in the fi ght against animal BtA CONGRESO_v5.indd 110 tA CONGRESO_v5.indd 110 13/05/2024 21:17:25 3/05/2024 21:17:25 111 trypanosomoses, researchers and veterinarians in the Canary Is lands can serve as a bridge between Europe and Africa in order to control these diseases.
ISBN: 978-84-9042-527-5
Fuente: 1st CONGRESS-BRIDGE to AFRICA [ISBN 978-84-9042-527-5], p. 110-117
Colección:Actas de congresos
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