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Título: Development of a visible to 1600 nm hyperspectral imaging rigid-scope system using supercontinuum light and an acousto-optic tunable filter
Autores/as: Takamatsu, Toshihiro
Fukushima, Ryodai
Sato, Kounosuke
Umezawa, Masakazu
Yokota, Hideo
Soga, Kohei
Hernández Guedes, Abián 
Callicó, Gustavo M. 
Takemura, Hiroshi
Clasificación UNESCO: 220915 Optometría
220910 Láseres
Palabras clave: Visualization
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Optics Express 
Resumen: In this study, we developed a rigid-scope system that can perform hyperspectral imaging (HSI) between visible and 1600 nm wavelengths using a supercontinuum light source and an acousto-optic tunable filter to emit specific wavelengths. The system optical performance was verified, and the classification ability was investigated. Consequently, it was demonstrated that HSI (490-1600 nm) could be performed. In addition, seven different targets could be classified by the neural network with an accuracy of 99.6%, recall of 93.7%, and specificity of 99.1% when the wavelength range of over 1000 nm (OTN) was extracted from HSI data as train data.
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.515747
Fuente: Optics Express [ISSN 1094-4087], v. 32 (9), p. 16090-16102, (Abril 2024)
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