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Título: Canine Oral Melanoma: Questioning the Existing Information through a Series of Clinical Cases
Autores/as: Pérez Santana, Carmen Gloria 
Jiménez Alonso, Ana Andrea 
Rodríguez Esparragón,Francisco Javier 
Cazorla Rivero, Sara
Rodríguez Grau-Bassas, Enrique 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310910 Cirugía
310907 Patología
Palabras clave: Biological Behavior
Oral Melanoma, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Veterinary Sciences 
Resumen: Twelve dogs with oral malignant melanomas (MM) were evaluated in this study, with demographic details indicating a balanced distribution of gender, age, and weight among various breeds. Tumor locations varied, with diverse surgical procedures being performed, including mandibulectomies and maxillectomies. Lymphadenectomies were conducted, revealing a 16.66% metastatic rate in regional lymph nodes. At the time of surgery, clinical staging identified stages I, II, and III, with most cases having non-infiltrated margins and a high mitotic index. Follow-up revealed local recurrences and metastases, prompting additional surgeries and affecting survival rates. This study reports varying outcomes, with some dogs completing one year without recurrence, while others experienced progressive disease, leading to six oral melanoma-related deaths. The characteristics of melanotic melanoma and amelanotic melanoma are observed in order to study differences between them, the degree of aggressiveness, the mortality rate and the possibility of future therapeutic targets. Although high pigmentation has been correlated with a better outcome, we could not find any significant correlation between survival and achromia. Oral benign melanomas might exist, and this could justify variabilities between stage and survival; however, carefulness is required due to their unpredictable behavior. The findings underscore the complexity of oral melanoma cases and highlight the need for further research on effective management strategies.
ISSN: 2306-7381
DOI: 10.3390/vetsci11050226
Fuente: Veterinary Sciences[EISSN 2306-7381],v. 11 (5), (Mayo 2024)
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