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Título: The digital climate atlas of the Canary Islands: a tool to improve knowledge of climate and temperature and precipitation trends in the Atlantic islands
Autores/as: De Luque Söllheim, Ángel Luis 
Máyer Suárez, Pablo 
García Hernández, Fabián
Clasificación UNESCO: 2502 Climatología
Palabras clave: Climate atlas
Climate data series
Climate mapping
Decadal trends
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Atlas Climático de Canarias
Publicación seriada: Climate Services 
Resumen: This paper presents the Interactive Digital Climate Atlas of the Canary Islands, a web portal based on geographic information systems for the dissemination of climate information. It provides citizens and public and private administrations with high spatial resolution maps (100 m) of different climate variables such as temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, cloudiness frequency and wind velocity. Also available are Köppen climate classification maps and decadal trends of temperature and precipitation in a context of climate change. This spatial resolution is suitable for the detailed climatic description of small and orographically complex islands. For this purpose, climate series from databases of different public institutions as well as data from remote sensing and reanalysis systems were employed. A statistical process involving data filtering and the detection and correction of inhomogeneous segments was carried out as a preparatory step. Then, a spatial interpolation model was developed using a multiple linear regression method for the generation of the high spatial resolution climate cartography. The results are annual and monthly maps of the climate variables in Canary Islands at 100 m spatial resolution and with different time periods depending on the availability of data on the different variables, but in most cases between 1991 and 2020. Following the European Directive INSPIRE (Directive 2007/2/CE, Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe), both map visualisation and downloading in GeoTIFF and NetCDF format are permitted, as well as consultation of the data and metadata of the climatic series used.
ISSN: 2405-8807
DOI: 10.1016/j.cliser.2024.100487
Fuente: Climate Services [EISSN 2405-8807], v. 34, (Abril 2024)
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