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Title: La diáspora saharaui en Canarias: diasporización, movilización y contestación
Other Titles: The Saharawi diaspora in the Canary Islands: diasporization, mobilization and contestation
Authors: Cabrera Abu, Nasara 
Keywords: Saharawi Diaspora In The Canary Islands
Saharawi Community
Saharawi Contestation
Canary Islands And The Saharawi Question
Diáspora saharaui en Canarias, et al
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterraneos 
Abstract: The departure of Spain from the Sahrawi territory in 1975 and its subsequent occupation by Morocco and Mauritania led to the exitof the Sahrawi population to severalterritories. The Canary Islands were one of the main Spanish regions that hosted an important group of the first Sahrawi exile group. Several decades have passed since then, and with more than two generations in the archipelago (who have increased their number due to the prolonged irresolution of the conflict), this article seeks to characterize the process of diasporization of the Sahrawi community in the Canary Islands; and how its political character has conditioned the deployment of specific diasporic practices of mobilization and contestation.
La diáspora saharaui asentada en Canarias se ha ido conformando a medida que la población saharaui se asentara en el archipiélago a raíz de la salida de España del territorio saharaui en 1975. Este articulo persigue caracterizar el proceso de diasporización de la población saharaui en Canarias y su movilización y contestación ante dos momentos relevantes para la cuestión saharaui: la firma del acuerdo de pesca entre Marruecos y la Unión Europea en 2019, tras el fallo del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en 2018; y el giro del ejecutivo español sobre el Sáhara en marzo de 2022.
ISSN: 1887-4460
DOI: 10.15366/reim2023.35.004
Source: Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos [ISSN 1887-4460] (35), p. 95-115
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