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Título: Bioethanol from canary banana waste as an energy source to reduce the carbon footprint of island electricity systems
Autores/as: Lozano Medina, Juan Carlos 
Henríquez Concepción, Vicente 
Mendieta-Pino, Carlos 
León-Zerpa, Federico 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
332205 Fuentes no convencionales de energía
Palabras clave: Canarian banana
Energy policy
Renewable energy
Island electricity systems (IESs)
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Mitigación del cambio climático a través de la innovación en el ciclo del agua mediante tecnologías bajas en carbono 
Publicación seriada: Fuel 
Resumen: Energy sovereignty and carbon footprint mitigation are challenges faced by island electricity systems (IES), along with the promotion of renewable generation systems. One of the aspects that can improve this is the development of specific actions in the recovery of agricultural waste as biofuels. Among them, the banana residue stands out, as it is the majority in agricultural production in the Canary Islands. On the other hand, biofuels are alternatives to fossil fuels that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This article studies the potential of waste, the transformation of the existing sugars in the fruit waste of the Canarian banana to transform it into a 100% renewable fuel, bioethanol and, therefore, the environmental impact that it has on banana production, its new carbon footprint.
ISSN: 0016-2361
DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131848
Fuente: Fuel [ISSN 0016-2361; EISSN 1873-7153], v. 371, Part A, 1 September 2024, 131848
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