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Título: Estudio exploratorio del Síndrome de Burnout Académico en estudiantes de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Autores/as: Morales Santana, Miriam Lourdes 
Etopa Bitata, María Del Pilar 
Clasificación UNESCO: 61 Psicología
5802 Organización y planificación de la educación
Palabras clave: Academic burnout
Higher education
University students
Social work
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editor/a: McGraw Hill 
Resumen: In the academic field, burnout syndrome refers to a form of stress, often chronic, in which the person indicates high levels of emotional exhaustion and cynicism, as well as a low level of academic self-efficacy, which negatively affect development, commitment and satisfaction. with academic training. Generally, it is linked to perceptions of lack of reciprocity or imbalance between dedication and results, as well as experiencing successive crises of efficacy, derived from work demands perceived as excessive by the person. With a cross-sectional and descriptive nature, the objective of this research is to examine the prevalence of academic burnout syndrome in a sample of 89 students (57 women and 32 men) in the last year of the Social Work Degree at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The scores obtained refer to medium and high levels of exhaustion and cynicism, as well as medium and low levels of academic self-efficacy. Likewise, the analysis of the results according to the sex of the participants does not show significant differences for each of the dimensions that constitute the construct. Consequently, the results obtained are interpreted as an indication of the self-reported presence of the syndrome in the people surveyed to a medium-high degree and that it manifests itself indistinctly depending on sex.
ISBN: 9788419544513
Fuente: Nuevos retos educativos e investigación interdisciplinaria / Carolina Gonzálvez Maciá, Ricardo Sanmartín López, María Vicent Juan (comps.), p. 273-293
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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