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Título: Semántica y sintaxis de dare. Consideraciones intralingüísticas e interlingüísticas
Autores/as: Martín Rodríguez, Antonio María 
Coordinadores/as, Directores/as o Editores/as: Cabrillana, Concepción
Clasificación UNESCO: 570508 Semántica
570513 Sintaxis, análisis sintáctico
57 Lingüística
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editor/a: De Gruyter 
Resumen: To give is an essential verb in most languages due to its frequent use and its status as a primary lexeme. This basic nature does not preclude a remarkable semantic complexity, which is perceptible when comparing its syntactic structure in different languages, or in intralinguistic analysis, with its diverse semantic variants on a continuum of specific manifestationsc. These range from prototypical uses to an extreme weakening when functioning as a support verb, as well as a series of uses in which its full meaning is blurred according to the non-prototypical entities selected as its arguments. An unusual interest in this notion was awakened in the last decade of the 20th century, first in the field of Latin linguistics and then within a cross-linguistic approach, in the framework of cognitive linguistics, which has given rise to three major monographs that have become reference books. In none of them, however, has there been a place for Latin, given their synchronic orientation. Our purpose, therefore, is twofold: to update the analysis of dare in the light of the advances made in this field in the last three decades, and to place it in a cross-linguistic perspective that will make it possible to compensate for its absence in the reference cognitivist bibliography.
ISBN: 9783110722116
DOI: 10.1515/9783110722116-025
Fuente: Recent Trends and Findings in Latin Linguistics, v. 2 / Concepción Cabrillana (ed.), p. 437-460
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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