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Título: The relativy of the idea of consistency of Legal Systems
Autores/as: Miraut Martín, Laura 
Clasificación UNESCO: 560203 Filosofía del derecho
Palabras clave: Normative antinomy
Legal rule
Legal system
Legal interpretation
Ideology, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: GIR La decisión Judicial. Cuestiones migratorias. Derechos Humanos, nuevas tecnologías y Derecho.
Publicación seriada: Legal and Administrative Studies = Studii Juridice şi Administrative 
Resumen: The principles of unity, coherence and completeness represent the traditional idea of a legal system. The principle of coherence presents practical difficulties, because the criteria for resolving normative antinomies do not always offer an unambiguous solution. The problem goes deeper. These criteria, far from being inherent to legal reality, are relative and circumstantial. Its acceptance as a way of solving antinomies hides the real representation of the legal norm as the attribution of meaning to normative provisions. It also hides the real representation of the idea of the legal system as an expression of the dominant legal culture
ISSN: 2344-6900
Fuente: Legal and Administrative Studies [e-ISSN 2344-6900, ISSN-L 1583-0772], n. 2 (29), año 22, p. 21-39 (2023)
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