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Título: The Importance of Philanthropy Foundation for the Future Sustainability of Agriculture and Nutrition: An Opinion Study on Practical Applications, Policies, and Strategies
Autores/as: Nurkolis, Fahrul
Visnu, Jodi
Sabrina, Nindy
Hardinsyah, Hardinsyah
Taslim, Nurpudji Astuti
Gunawan, William Ben
Tanner, Melvin Junior
Mayulu, Nelly
Khumaidi, Mohammad Adib
Syahputra, Rony Abdi
Rizal, Mochammad
Tjandrawinata, Raymond Rubianto
Tallei, Trina Ekawati
Basrowi, Ray Wagiu
Sundjaya, Tonny
Serra Majem, Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Climate Action
Food Charity
Future Foods
Nutrition And Sustainable Development, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Nutrients 
Resumen: Food security, food sustainability, and malnutrition represent critical global challenges. Th urgency of comprehensive action is evident in the need for research collaboration between the food industry, agriculture, public health, and nutrition. This article highlights the role of philanthropy, of a non-profit organization, in supporting research and development and filling financial gaps. The article also explores the interplay of nutrition, agriculture, and government and policy, positioning philanthropy as a catalyst for transformative change and advocating for collaborative efforts to comprehensively address global food challenges. In addition, the discussion also underscores the ethical complexities surrounding charitable food aid, especially in terms of the dignity and autonomy of its recipients. The paper concludes by proposing future directions and implications, advocating for diversified intervention portfolios and collaborative efforts involving governments, businesses, and local communities. Apart from that, the importance of answering and alleviating ethical dilemmas related to food charity assistance needs to be a concern for future studies related to philanthropy because of the significant challenges faced by the contemporary food system, which include food security, health, and nutritional sustainability.
ISSN: 2072-6643
DOI: 10.3390/nu16081119
Fuente: Nutrients[EISSN 2072-6643],v. 16 (8), (Abril 2024)
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