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Título: In-situ FT-IR study of alcohols degradation in the gas phase using different TiO2 composites
Autores/as: Illana, Andrea
Doña Rodríguez, José Miguel 
Robles, Alison
González Díaz, Oscar Manuel 
Pulido Melián, Elisenda 
Azofra Mesa, Luis Miguel 
Araña, J. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 221001 Catálisis
Palabras clave: Aggregates
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: La Fotorreducción Del Dióxido de Carbono 
Sistema de Caracterización Superficial para muestras de Sólidos. 
Sistema completo de caracterización de la relación entre composición, estructura y fotoactividad de sólidos sintéticos con aplicaciones fotocatalíticas. 
Caracterización superficial quimico-fisica de sólidos, y control quimico de sustancias contaminantes en los procesos heterogeneos. 
Publicación seriada: Catalysis Today 
Resumen: Herein, we present an in-situ FT-IR study analysing the interactions and photocatalytic degradation of 1-butanol and methanol in the gas phase through the catalysts Hombikat-b (commercial) and EST-1023 (synthesised in lab), as well as composites of them in a range of pH between 5 and 9. Composite Homb@EST at neutral pH (Homb@EST-pH7) has presented a photocatalytic efficiency much higher than that of the separate catalysts in both the degradation of alcohols and carboxylates. Characterisation analyses have shown that EST-1023 exhibits low surface area and surface hydroxylation, which suggests practically no adsorption of alcohols at the initial stages of the process. Notwithstanding, we have determined a large concentration of surface electronic traps in EST-1023. On the contrary, Hombikat-b presents high surface area and surface hydroxylation, leading to high adsorption rates of the studied alcohols. Aggregate distribution, SEM, and HR-TEM studies have shown that neutral pH is the most appropriate condition to aggregate both catalysts, generating the so-called composite Homb@EST-pH7. The high photocatalytic capability of this composite is attributed to the transfer of photogenerated electrons from the Hombikat-b nanoparticles to the electron traps present in EST-1023, which implies a decrease in the recombination speed of the photogenerated electron-hole (e–/h+) pairs.
ISSN: 0920-5861
DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2024.114603
Fuente: Catalysis Today [ISSN 0920-5861],v. 432, (Abril 2024)
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actualizado el 29-jun-2024

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