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Título: Association between Beverage Consumption and Environmental Sustainability in an Adult Population with Metabolic Syndrome
Autores/as: García, Silvia
Monserrat-Mesquida, Margalida
Argelich, Emma
Ugarriza, Lucía
Salas-Salvadó, Jordi
Bautista Castaño, Inmaculada 
Vioque, Jesús
Zomeño, María Dolores
Corella, Dolores
Pintó, Xavier
Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora
Daimiel, Lidia
Martínez, J. Alfredo
Nishi, Stephanie
Herrera Ramos,Estefania 
González-Palacios, Sandra
Fitó, Montserrat
Asensio, Eva M.
Fanlo-Maresma, Marta
Cano-Ibáñez, Noemí
Cuadrado-Soto, Esther
Abete, Itziar
Tur, Josep A.
Bouzas, Cristina
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Beverages
Sustainability score
Environmental parameters, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Efecto de la dieta mediterránea hopocalórica y promoción de la actividad física en prevención primaria cardiovascular.Estudio piloto sobre marcadores intermedios. 
Efecto de Una Pérdida de Peso Con Dieta Mediterránea Hipocalóricay Promoción de la Actividad Física en la Prevención Primaria Cardiovascular 
Efecto de una intervención intensiva de pérdida de peso con dieta Mediterránea hipocalórica, actividad física y tratamiento conductual sobre la prevención primaria cardiovascular: ensayo PREDIMED-Plus 
Publicación seriada: Nutrients 
Resumen: Beverages are an important part of the diet, but their environmental impact has been scarcely assessed. The aim of this study was to assess how changes in beverage consumption over a one-year period can impact the environmental sustainability of the diet. This is a one-year longitudinal study of 55–75-year-old participants with metabolic syndrome (n = 1122) within the frame of the PREDIMED-Plus study. Food and beverage intake were assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire and a validated beverage-specific questionnaire. The Agribalyse® 3.0.1 database was used to calculate environmental impact parameters such as greenhouse gas emission, energy, water, and land use. A sustainability beverage score was created by considering the evaluated environmental markers. A higher beverage sustainability score was obtained when decreasing the consumption of bottled water, natural and packed fruit juice, milk, and drinkable dairy, soups and broths, sorbets and jellies, soft drinks, tea without sugar, beer (with and without alcohol), and wine, as well as when increasing the consumption of tap water and coffee with milk and without sugar. Beverage consumption should be considered when assessing the environmental impact of a diet. Trial registration: ISRCTN, ISRCTN89898870. Registered 5 September 2013.
ISSN: 2072-6643
DOI: 10.3390/nu16050730
Fuente: Nutrients [2072-6643], v. 16(5):730 (Marzo 2024)
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