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Título: Impact of strong magnetization in cylindrical plasma implosions with applied B-field measured via x-ray emission spectroscopy
Autores/as: Bailly-Grandvaux, M.
Florido Hernández, Ricardo Jesús 
Walsh, C. A.
Pérez-Callejo, G.
Beg, F. N.
Bradford, P.
Gigosos, M. A.
Mancini, R. C.
McGuffey, C.
Suzuki-Vidal, F.
Vlachos, C.
Santos, J. J.
Clasificación UNESCO: 22 Física
220410 Física de plasmas
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium 
Caracterización espectroscópica de plasmas de laboratorio de alta densidad de energía mediante cinética atómica colisional-radiativa y dinámica molecular 
Caracterización Espectroscópica E Interferométrica de Plasmas de Fusión Nuclear 
Publicación seriada: Physical Review Research 
Resumen: Magnetization is a key strategy for enhancing inertial fusion performance, though accurate characterization of magnetized dense plasmas is needed for a better comprehension of the underlying physics. Measured spectra from imploding Ar-doped D2-filled cylinders at the OMEGA laser show distinctive features with and without an imposed magnetic field. A multizone spectroscopic diagnosis leads to quantitative estimates of the plasma conditions, namely revealing a 50% core temperature rise at half mass density when a 30-T seed field is applied. Concurrently, experimental spectra align well with predictions from extended-magnetohydrodynamics simulations, providing strong evidence that the attained core conditions at peak compression are consistent with the impact of a 10-kT compressed field. These results pave the way for the validation of magnetized transport models in dense plasmas and for future magnetized laser implosion experiments at a larger scale.
ISSN: 2643-1564
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.L012018
Fuente: Physical Review Research [ISSN 2643-1564], v. 6 (1), (Enero 2024)
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