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Título: Financial knowledge and private health insurance: does age matter?
Autores/as: Aguiar Díaz, Inmaculada 
Ruiz Mallorquí, María Victoria 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531207 Sanidad
530301 Contabilidad financiera
Palabras clave: Age
Financial Knowledge
Financial Literacy
Private Health Insurance
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Healthcare 
Resumen: (1) Background: The paper focuses on the relationship between financial knowledge (FK) and holding private health insurance (PHI), and also focuses on the effect of age on the aforementioned relationship. (2) Method: The study was carried out on a sample of 8055 individuals taken from the 2016 Financial Competences Survey (the only one available), prepared by the Bank of Spain. Unlike previous studies that limited themselves to considering numeracy as a proxy for FK, in this study, two levels of FK—basic and advanced—are considered. (3) Results: The results indicate that a higher level of FK, specifically advanced FK, increases the probability of an individual holding PHI. Regarding age, it has been observed that the relationship between FK and PHI is only relevant in middle and older age, but not in younger and adults. Therefore, it is appropriate to differentiate between basic and advanced FK, and we confirm that age exerts a moderating effect on the influence of FK on PHI. (4) Conclusion: We conclude that FK—specifically, advanced FK for middle-aged and older people—is relevant to the likelihood of an individual holding PHI, which can improve health and financial wellbeing.
DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11202738
Fuente: Healthcare (Switzerland)[EISSN 2227-9032],v. 11 (20), (Octubre 2023)
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