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Title: Beneath the water column: Uncovering microplastic pollution in the sublittoral coastal sediments of the Canary Islands, Spain
Authors: Villanova-Solano, Cristina
Díaz-Peña, Francisco J.
Hernández-Sánchez, Cintia
González-Sálamo, Javier
Edo, Carlos
Vega Moreno, Daura 
Fernández-Martín, Sonia
Fraile Nuez,Eugenio 
Machín Jiménez, Francisco José 
Hernández-Borges, Javier
UNESCO Clasification: 331210 Plásticos
330811 Control de la contaminación del agua
251002 Oceanografía química
Keywords: Macaronesia
Marine Sediment
North Atlantic
Pollution, et al
Issue Date: 2024
Project: Evaluación de Microplásticos en Las Aguas Profundas de Canariasy Sus Contaminantes Químicos Asociados 
Journal: Journal of Hazardous Materials 
Abstract: Marine ecosystems pollution by microplastics (MPs) is a global problem of special concern. The present study examines the prevalence and distribution of MPs and cellulosic particles in sublittoral coastal sediments of the Canary Islands archipelago (Spain). At twenty-six different locations alongside seven islands, three samples were taken parallel to the shoreline between 1 and 10 m depth (n = 78). Sediment samples were primarily digested with a H2O2 solution followed by four flotations in a saturated NaCl solution. The mean concentration obtained was 3.9 ± 1.6 items/g of dry weight. A similar distribution pattern was observed across all islands concerning particles morphology, color, size and composition: mainly colorless/translucent and blue fibers (60.0%). Additionally, fragments were also found, and to a much lesser extent microbeads, films and tangled messes. MicroFourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy analysis of 12.5% of the fibers, showed that they were mainly cellulosic (54.5%) -either natural or semisynthetic- followed by polyester (22.7%) and acrylic (4.5%). The potential correlation between particle distribution in nearshore sediments and wave intensity was also explored. This work provides the first comprehensive report on the current MPs content of the seabed of the region.
ISSN: 0304-3894
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.133128
Source: Journal of Hazardous Materials [ISSN 0304-3894],v. 465, (Marzo 2024)
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