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Título: Methodological development of personalized orthopedic splints through low-cost additive manufacturing
Autores/as: Bordón Pérez, Pablo Rubén 
Cuadrado Hernández, Alberto Javier 
Paz Hernández, Rubén 
Navarro Gonzalo, Álvaro
Monzón Verona, Mario Domingo 
Rivero Lopez,Yamilet 
Garcia Montagut, Carlos Joshua 
Yánez Santana, Manuel Alejandro 
Ruiz Alzola, Juan Bautista 
Clasificación UNESCO: 321310 Cirugía ortopédica
331402 Prótesis
3328 Procesos tecnológicos
Palabras clave: Fabricación digital
Inmovilización médica
Escaneado tridimensional
Extrusión de material
Digital manufacturing, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Dyna (Spain) 
Resumen: Orthopedic splints are widely used to immobilize parts of the body during the recovery from bone injuries, surgeries, or post-traumatic recovery. In the medical field, there are two main types of splints: the rigid and disposable ones made of plaster, and the non-disposable but detachable ones, typically made up of metallic and polymeric components. Rigid splints are economical and can be quickly applied, but they have limitations in terms of weight, ventilation, and comfort, and also require medical staff intervention for their removal. On the other hand, detachable splints offer greater comfort and breathability, but they are more expensive and their fit to the patient is less accurate. This work presents the development of personalized orthopedic splints, lighter and more breathable, at a reasonable cost and production time. To achieve this, a methodology is proposed that includes an economical scanning of the area to be immobilized, an accessible and efficient digital design, and its production using MEX additive manufacturing technology, meeting the necessary mechanical requirements for immobilization and stiffness, based on finite element simulations. This proposal is presented as an alternative to conventional splints, offering improved performance thanks to affordable and low-cost additive manufacturing technologies.
ISSN: 0012-7361
DOI: 10.6036/11081
Fuente: Dyna (Spain [ISSN 0023-7361 ; eISSN 1989-1490], v. 0 (2023)
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