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Título: Spanish professionals in Mexico City: Narratives on work and labour markets
Autores/as: Mendoza Pérez, Cristobal 
Clasificación UNESCO: 520302 Movilidad y migraciones internacionales
Palabras clave: Skilled migration
Labour markets
Labour trajectories
Mexico City
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Publicación seriada: Migracijske I Etnicke Teme 
Resumen: Using qualitative information, this paper studies the labour experiences of a group of skilled Spanish migrants in Mexico City. The paper identifies two types of migrants amongst the interviewed Spaniards: TNCs transferees and “migrants in the middle” (“those who are neither low-skilled migrants nor high-skilled migrants”; Conradson and Latham, 2005a). This somehow challenges assumptions about skilled workers, by showing the multiple work trajectories and experiences of highly qualified and educated workers. The article also stresses that the labour mobility of those in the middle is more horizontal and less conventional than the more typical career-path mobility of TNCs transferees. Furthermore, it is argued that labour mobility is not only related to educational background or performance in Mexico’s labour markets, but also to non-economic reasons (e.g. extensive use of social networks). Of special interest for this study are relations at the workplace as they represent a “contact zone” where “difference” is constantly encountered and negotiated (Yeoh and Willis, 2005b). For the interviewed Spaniards, workplace relations are substantially (and unexpectedly) different from those in their home country. This causes tension and problems that may affect their intentions to remain in Mexico.
ISSN: 1333-2546
Fuente: Migracijske I etnicke teme [1333-2546], 24 (4), p. 323-340
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