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Título: NICEST - Master study proposal on Next generation Industrial Control Engineering for Sustainable water system Treatment
Autores/as: Vilanova, R.
Meneses, M.
Dominguez, M.
Blanco Marigorta, Ana María 
Barbu, M.
Selistanu, D.
Visioli, A.
Capodaglio, A.
Andritsos, N.
Samaras, P.
Plakas, K.
Clasificación UNESCO: 580103 Desarrollo del programa de estudios
330806 Regeneración del agua
Palabras clave: Water Engineering
Control Technology
Higher Education
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Conferencia: 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy System (ECOS 2023)
Resumen: In this paper a collaborative experience towards the development of a new joint master degree is presented. The design of the curriculum has as main pillars: a) to provide an interdisciplinary view and approach to advanced water treatment solutions, and b) the development of the curriculum is done according to the new challenges for Higher Education in Europe, therefore providing references of good practices with this respect. The experience is worth to be shared as in an immediate future the expected collaboration among Higher Education Institutions in Europe is to increase if an integrated and high quality Higher Education Area is to be developed. The ongoing reviewing/re-structuring process of higher education programmes provides the opportunity to promote new types and levels of learning new technologies and practices in and through pan-European collaboration. The proposal that is motivated by the need for a green approach to water treatment. Like many other industries, water and wastewater treatment plants also face the problem of a staffing shortage. Efficient and productive workers that are skilled in the business are necessary to properly manage water systems. Automation may be a potential solution to this shortage. Not only will it fill in the gaps of needed employment, but it will also put less stress on existing workers. To this aim the Next generation Industrial Control Engineering for Sustainable water system Treatment (NICEST) project is presented in this paper.
ISBN: 9781713874928
DOI: 10.52202/069564-0166
Fuente: Proceedings of ECOS 2023, The 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2023) [ISBN 978-1-7138-7492-8], p. 1834-1842, (Julio 2023)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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