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Título: Effect of Si Contents on the Properties of Ti15Mo7ZrxSi Alloys
Autores/as: Jiménez Marcos, Cristina 
Mirza Rosca, Julia 
Baltatu, Madalina Simona
Vizureanu, Petrica 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3328 Procesos tecnológicos
Palabras clave: Corrosion Behavior
Mechanical Properties
Titanium-Based Alloys
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Materials 
Resumen: The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the mechanical characteristics and biocompatibility of two novel titanium alloys, Ti15Mo7ZrxSi (x = 0, 0.5, 0.75, 1). These samples had already undergone grinding, polishing, cutting, and chipping. Electrochemical, metallographic, three-point bending, and microhardness studies were conducted on the studied materials to determine their corrosion behavior, microstructure, Young’s modulus, and hardness. The first investigations revealed that both samples had biphasic and dendritic structures, elastic moduli that were between the highest and minimum values achieved by around 20 GPa, and favorable behavior when in contact with physiological fluids at ambient temperature. Ti15Mo7Zr0.5Si and Ti15Mo7Zr0.75Si, the research samples, had greater corrosion potentials, reduced corrosion rates, and therefore higher corrosion resistance, as well as modulus of elasticity values that were comparable to and closer to those of human bone. The results of this investigation indicate that both alloys exhibit favorable corrosion behavior, great biocompatibility, Young’s modulus results lower than those of conventional alloys used in biomedical implants, and hardness values higher than commercially pure titanium.
ISSN: 1996-1944
DOI: 10.3390/ma16144906
Fuente: Materials [EISSN 1996-1944],v. 16 (14), 4906 (Julio 2023)
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