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Título: Simultaneous inclusion body hepatitis and pox lesions in two pigeons
Autores/as: Gòmez-Villamandos, J. C.
Sierra, M. A.
Fernández Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús 
Carrasco, L.
Jover, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 310907 Patología
Fecha de publicación: 1991
Publicación seriada: Avian Pathology 
Resumen: A natural dual infection of inclusion body hepatitis and pox was confirmed in pigeons by histopathological and electron-microscopical examination. Poxvirus particles were observed in epithelial cells and intranuclear adeno-like virus particles were found in the liver of two pigeons. However, no single cell was found with both viruses. © 1991, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0307-9457
DOI: 10.1080/03079459108418752
Fuente: Avian Pathology [0307-9457], v. 20(1), p. 173-177
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