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Título: Deliberative processes in health technology assessment of medicines: the case of Spain
Autores/as: Pinilla Domínguez, Maria Del Pilar 
Pinilla, Jaime 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531207 Sanidad
Palabras clave: Política sanitaria
Tecnología de la salud
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 
Resumen: Objectives Spain incorporated in 2020 changes in its health technology assessment (HTA), pricing, and reimbursement system for medicines including publishing reports, development of networks of experts, or consultation with stakeholders. Despite these changes, it is unclear how deliberative frameworks are applied and the process has been criticized for not being sufficiently transparent. This study analyses the level of implementation of deliberative processes in HTA for medicines in Spain. Methods We review the grey literature and summarize the Spanish HTA, pricing, and reimbursement process of medicines. We apply the deliberative processes for HTA checklist, developed to assess the overall context of the deliberative process, and identify the stakeholders involved and type of involvement following the framework for evidence-informed deliberative processes, a framework for benefit package design that aims to optimize the legitimacy of decision making. Results In the Spanish HTA, pricing, and reimbursement process deliberation takes place in order to exchange viewpoints and reach common ground, mainly during the prioritization, assessment, and appraisal steps. It is closed to the public, not clearly summarized in published documents and limited to the Ministry of Health, the regulatory agency, other Ministries, and experts with mostly clinical and/or pharmaceutical background. The views of stakeholders are only represented through consultation. Communication is the most commonly used form of stakeholder engagement. Conclusions Despite improvements in transparency of the Spanish HTA process for evaluating medicines, aspects related to stakeholder involvement and implementation of deliberative frameworks need further attention in order to achieve further legitimacy of the process.
ISSN: 0266-4623 (Print) ; 1471-6348 (Online)
DOI: 10.1017/S0266462323000387
Fuente: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2023, vol. 39, no 1, p. e50.
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