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Title: Adaptive nowcasting of arrivals during health crises
Authors: Eugenio Martín, Juan Luis 
Cazorla Artiles, José Manuel 
Moreda, Adela
Murguia, Juan M.
UNESCO Clasification: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Keywords: Arrivals
Nowcasting, et al
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Annals of Tourism Research 
Abstract: This paper develops a new methodology to nowcast the number of arrivals during health-related crises such as Covid-19. The methodology is adaptive, so that the relevance of different determinants varies over time by employing hurdles that work as ‘necessary travelling conditions’. It starts with a baseline series built upon a pre-Covid-19 trend. This series is adjusted by each hurdle. The first hurdle is the market closure; epidemiological models are applied to anticipate the dates of re-opening. The second hurdle deals with key travelling determinants such as the income effect. The third hurdle is the lack of confidence; this depends on the length of the recovery, and the expected path to follow.
ISSN: 0160-7383
DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2023.103609
Source: Annals of Tourism Research[ISSN 0160-7383],v. 101, (Julio 2023)
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