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Título: L'enthymème dans la fiction policière télévisée. Analyse inférentielle d'un échange conversationnel
Autores/as: Ventura Ragnoli, Daniela 
Clasificación UNESCO: 6202 Teoría, análisis y crítica literarias
6203 Teoría, análisis y crítica de las bellas artes
Palabras clave: Inference
Heuristic process
Detective fiction
Conversational exchange
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: La Linguistique 
Resumen: We assume that in any police investigation (real or fictional), the heuristic process leading the investigator from the clue to the identification of the criminal necessarily involves inference. This contribution aims to describe the natural inferential process and its effects in a conversational exchange between two characters of a French serial television detective fiction. Our practical application is based on a renewed Aristotelian approach to inference, and a pragmatic-linguistic conception of the enthymeme. A path to explore in the debate about enthymeme will be provided.
ISSN: 0075-966X
Fuente: La linguistique [0075-966X], 2023/1 (Vol. 59), p. 189-207
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