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Título: Proteins and Minerals in Whey Protein Supplements
Autores/as: González Weller, Dailos
Paz Montelongo, Soraya
Bethencourt Barbuzano, Elena
Niebla Canelo, Daniel
Alejandro Vega, Samuel
Gutiérrez, Ángel J.
Hardisson, Arturo
Carrascosa Iruzubieta, Conrado Javier 
Rubio, Carmen
Clasificación UNESCO: 3309 Tecnología de los alimentos
3214 Toxicología
Palabras clave: Chemical Elements
Potentially Toxic Elements
Protein Supplements
Whey Protein
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Foods 
Resumen: Sports nutrition supplementation is a widespread practice. Whey protein supplements contribute not only to protein intake but also to dietary exposure to minerals. The labelling present provides the percentage of protein and rarely refers to other components, such as potentially toxic elements such as B, Cu, Mo, Zn, and V that present tolerable upper intake levels set by the European Food Safety Authority. The percentage of protein declared on supplement labelling was checked using the Kjeldahl method, and the levels of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Ba, B, Co, Cu, Cr, Sr, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, V, Zn, and Al were analyzed by ICP-OES with the aim of characterizing the protein and mineral contents of isolate and concentrate whey protein supplements representative of the European market. The protein content was 70.9% (18–92.3%) and statistically significant differences were observed between the declared and real protein percentages. Among the minerals, K (4689.10 mg/kg) and Ca (3811.27 mg/kg) presented the highest levels, whereas Co (0.07 mg/kg) and V (0.04 mg/kg) showed the lowest levels. It was concluded that the quality and safety of these products needs to be monitored and regulated. A high degree of non-compliance with labelling claims was detected. Furthermore, the contributions to the recommended and tolerable intakes among regular consumers need to be assessed.
DOI: 10.3390/foods12112238
Fuente: Foods[EISSN 2304-8158],v. 12 (11), (Junio 2023)
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