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Título: Effects of different modified atmosphere packages on oxidation and myofibril fragment index on goat kid meat
Autores/as: Morales De La Nuez, Antonio José 
Castro Navarro, Noemí 
Capote Álvarez, Juan Francisco 
C Rodríguez
Sánchez Macías,Davinia 
Moreno Indias,Isabel 
Argüello Henríquez, Anastasio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3104 Producción Animal
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: International Goat Association
Conferencia: 9th International Conference on Goats 
Resumen: 80 goat kid ribcages were used to determine the effects of four different packaging methods (atmospheric air, vacuum, modified atmosphere –MAP1- 30:30:40 mixture of N2:O2:CO2 and – MAP2- 10:70:20 mixture of N2:O2:CO2) on meat quality which were held for 7 d in storage conditions (4ºC). Oxidation (TBA) and myofibril fragment index (MFI) were recorded at 1, 3, 5 and 7 days. Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment three packaging methods were used (atmospheric air, vacuum and modified atmosphere –MAP1- 30:30:40 mixture of N2:O2:CO2). No effects of packaging method were observed on TBA and MFI. TBA at day 3 was statistically lower than at day 1, 5 and 7. Storage time did not affect MFI values. In the second experiment three packaging methods were used (atmospheric air, vacuum and modified atmosphere MAP2- 10:70:20 mixture of N2:O2:CO2). No effects of packaging method were observed on TBA and MFI. TBA at day 3 was statistically lower than at day 1, 5 and 7. Storage time did not affect MFI values.
Fuente: 9th International Conference on Goats
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