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Título: One Health Approach: Invasive California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae) as an Important Source of Antimicrobial Drug-Resistant Salmonella Clones on Gran Canaria Island
Autores/as: Santana Hernández, Kevin Manuel 
Rodríguez Ponce, Eligia 
Rosario Medina, Mª Inmaculada 
Acosta Hernández, Begoña María 
Simon L. Priestnall
Vega, Santiago
Marin, Clara
Cerdà Cuéllar, Marta
Marco Fuertes, Ana
Ayats, Teresa
García Beltrán, Teresa
Lupiola Gómez, Pablo Antonio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310801 Bacterias
240116 Herpetología
Palabras clave: Salmonella
multi-drug resistance
Lampropeltis californiae
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Animals 
Resumen: The increase in the reptile population has led to a rise in the number of zoonotic infections due to close contact with reptiles, with reptile-associated salmonellosis being particularly relevant. California kingsnake invasion not only threatens the endemic reptile population of the island of Gran Canaria (Spain) but also poses serious public health problems by spreading zoonotic pathogens and their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to the environment. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the occurrence, genetic diversity, and AMR among Salmonella spp. strains isolated from California kingsnakes in Gran Canaria Island (Spain). Of 73 invasive individuals captured, 20.5% carried Salmonella spp., belonging to different subspecies and serovars, with subsp. salamae as the most abundant. Pulsed-field electrophoresis showed high genetic diversity among subsp. salamae isolates, and among these, 73.3% showed resistance to at least one of the antimicrobials tested. In conclusion, the present study revealed the importance of wild invasive California kingsnakes as reservoirs of drug-resistant Salmonella spp. that could pose a direct threat to livestock and humans. Identification of drug-resistant Salmonella strains in wildlife provides valuable information on potential routes of transmission that involve risks to public and animal health.
ISSN: 2076-2615
DOI: 10.3390/ani13111790
Fuente: Animals [2076-2615], v.13 (11)
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