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Título: New and confirmed records of fishes from the Cabo Verde archipelago based on photographic and genetic data
Autores/as: Freitas, Rui
Falcón, J. M.
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Burnett, K.A.
Dureuil, M.
Caruso, J. H.
Hoving, H.J.T.
Brito, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 310503 Localización de peces
240114-4 Taxonomía animal. Peces
Palabras clave: Marine fishes
New photo-records
Cabo Verde Islands
Eastern Atlantic
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Arquipélago. Ciências biológicas e marinhas 
Resumen: In recent decades the Cabo Verde ichthyofauna has been studied more extensively, and nowadays photo recording is employed as a valuable asset under special caution and consideration. Four species reported here are new records for Cabo Verde: Carlarius sp., sea catfish; Serranus cabrilla, comber; Branchiostegus semifasciatus, African tilefish and Lutjanus dentatus, African coastal snapper. The presence in Cabo Verde of Glaucostegus cemiculus blackchin guitarfish Elops senegalensis, Senegalese ladyfish Lophius spp., bathydemersal monkfishes Rachycentron canadum cobia, Pagrus auriga African seabream Lutjanus dentatus, African coastal snapper and Mugil cephalus, mullet, was reconfirmed by photo records Squalus megalops cosmopolitan spurdog, was identified by genetic fingerprinting. The two littoral species, P. auriga and M. cephalus, are firmly established in the archipelago and additional information on their occurrence is given. The findings reported in the present contribution may well be the result of a wider sharing of information between fishermen and other seafarers and scientists, rather than an indicator of recent faunal changes.
ISSN: 0873-4704
Fuente: Arquipélago. Ciências biológicas e marinhas [ISSN 0873-4704], n. 35, p. 67-83, (2018)
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