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Título: Beyond death: funeral rituals of mediterranean origin in the Canary proto-history
Autores/as: Medina Hernández, Ruth 
Atoche Peña, Pablo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 550405 Prehistoria
550501 Arqueología
Palabras clave: Archaeology
Canary Island
Funeral Rituals
Cultural diffusion
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: Colonización Protohistórica Del Archipiélago Canario: Parámetros Antropológicos, Culturalesy Medioambientales. 
Publicación seriada: Canarias arqueológica 
Resumen: Upon the arrival to the Canary Islands in the first millennium B.C. of the first colonizers, a suggestive interaction was established between continental settlers and oceanic islands that gave rise to cultural adaptation phenomena and the appearance of specific characters in the Canary Island Cultures. The changes affected both socio-economic and technological patterns as well as religious beliefs and funerary rituals, scope of the latter in which we analyze two of the practices witnessed among the protohistoric canaries that incorporated symbolic norms in which their origin can be traced Mediterranean and the transformations that they experienced after their implantation in the Canary Archipelago mummification or ‘mirlado’ and the new-borns sacrifice.
ISSN: 1888-4059
DOI: 10.31939/canarq/2021.22.19
Fuente: Canarias Arqueológica: Arqueología-Bioantropología [ISSN 1888-4059], n. 22, p. 197-217, (2021)
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