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Title: A social capital approach of market orientation in public non-profit organizations: The case of blood transfusion centers in Spain
Authors: Déniz-Déniz, María de la Cruz 
Martín-Santana, Josefa D. 
Cabrera-Suárez, María Katiuska 
Robaina-Calderín, Lorena 
UNESCO Clasification: 531106 Estudio de mercado
5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Keywords: Connectedness
Market orientation
Issue Date: 2023
Project: La Orientación de Los Centros de Transfusión de Sangre Españoles Hacia Sus Principales Stakeholders Desde Una Perspectiva de Capital Socialy Su Influencia en la Perfomance 
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Journal: Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing 
Abstract: In order to identify the determinants of market (donor) orientation in blood transfusion centers and services (BTCS), this study seeks to analyze whether connectedness and interpersonal trust represent a fundamental basis for interfunctional coordination that leads to market (donor) orientation. An empirical study was carried out with 147 participants from 14 Spanish BTCS. The measurement scales were validated through CFA and the proposed relationship model was tested using SEM. Both interpersonal trust and connectedness that exist among BTCS members foster interfunctional coordination and, ultimately, their donor orientation. Thus, BTCS must emphasize their internal relationship networks, rearranging them in favor of their donor orientation. This paper integrates social capital literature with market orientation literature, and it proposes empirical evidence on the role played by internal social links on interfunctional coordination, which leads to market orientation. This research proposes a reliable and valid measure of blood donor orientation, which could be useful for the future testing of theory and research in the non-profit context. BTCS should adopt an organizational design which allows the introduction of a new managerial paradigm. People in charge of different areas at BTCS must pay particular attention to the climate of trust and the level of connectedness in cross-functional relationships. The negative evolution of blood donation and the results of this research suggest that BTCS need to apply a management model focused on the donor, in order to achieve a sustainable donation system.
ISSN: 2691-1361
DOI: 10.1002/nvsm.1798
Source: Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing [ISSN 2691-1361], e1798, (Mayo 2023)
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