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Título: The South Atlantic Circulation between 34.5ºS, 24ºS and above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from an Inverse Box Model
Autores/as: Arumí Planas, Cristina 
Pérez Hernández, María Dolores 
Pelegrí Llopart, Josep Luis 
Vélez Belchí,Pedro 
Emelianov, Mikhail
Cainzos Díaz, Verónica 
Cana Cascallar, Luis Cesáreo 
Firing, Yvonne L.
García Weil, Luis Francisco 
Santana Toscano, Daniel 
Hernández Guerra, Alonso 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251007 Oceanografía física
Palabras clave: Physical oceanography
Climate change
Ocean circulation
South Atlantic Ocean
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: El Portal Sudatlántico en la Cinta Transportadora Global 
Publicación seriada: Journal of geophysical research. Oceans 
Resumen: The South Atlantic Ocean plays a key role in the heat exchange of the climate system, as it hosts the returning flow of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). To gain insights on this role, using data from three hydrographic cruises conducted in the South Atlantic Subtropical gyre at 34.5ºS, 24ºS and 10ºW, we identify water masses and compute absolute geostrophic circulation using inverse modeling. In the upper layers, the currents describe the South Atlantic anticyclonic gyre with the northwest flowing Benguela Current (26.3±2.0 Sv at 34.5ºS, and 21.2±1.8 Sv at 24ºS) flowing above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 22.4ºS-28.4ºS (-19.2±1.4 Sv), and the southward flowing Brazil Current (-16.5±1.3 Sv at 34.5ºS, and -7.3±0.9 Sv at 24ºS); the deep layers feature the southward transports of Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC; -13.9±3.0 Sv at 34.5ºS, and -8.7±3.8 Sv at 24ºS) and Deep Eastern Boundary Current (DEBC; -15.1±3.5 Sv at 34.5ºS, and -16.3±4.7 Sv at 24ºS), with the interbasin west-to-east flow close to 24ºS (7.5±4.4 Sv); the abyssal waters present northward mass transports through the Argentina Basin (5.6±1.1 Sv at 34.5ºS, and 5.8±1.5 Sv at 24ºS) and Cape Basin (8.6±3.5 Sv at 34.5ºS to 3.0±0.8 Sv at 24ºS) before returning southward (-2.2±0.7 Sv at 24ºS to -7.9±3.6 Sv at 34.5ºS), without any interbasin exchange across the MAR. In addition, we compute the upper AMOC strength (14.8±1.0 and 17.5±0.9 Sv), the equatorward heat transport (0.30±0.05 and 0.80±0.05 PW), and the freshwater flux (0.18±0.02 and -0.07±0.02 Sv) at 34.5ºS and 24ºS, respectively.
ISSN: Journal of geophysical research. Oceans
DOI: 10.1029/2022JC019614
Fuente: Journal of geophysical research. Oceans [EISSN 2169-9291], May 2023
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